I need to take control of my life. I feel absolutely listless. I don't know how and when this feeling will go. I must put conscious effort to get rid of this feeling. The job is a big part contributing to this feeling. To get out of the job I need to upskill. I need to pass QF and pass BA written test. I am no longer interested in BA like I was 3-4 years back. It is a costly course. Not sure how this will push my career. The best thing for me is to focus on daily targets and forget about the nervousness of reaching the final target. Brick by brick I can develop. Daily must work till 2-3 AM. Sleep till 7-30 and 8 AM. Go for a 30 min walk. Start by 9-9:30. Till 11 focus on QF/BA. Try to close the work by 9 PM. Considering most projects are blood sucking, should not get stressed out.